Never Trust Any One !!!



photo by ideogram

I saw him while I was with another woman who did not appreciate me. he was eating a salad so I went up to him.

I remembered all the bad things he did like lying about who he hurt. but he is so scared tha he does not realize how strong he is.

he tried to talk me out of being confident like he knows me well. but i could not stand his dishonesty anymore. I knew he was not worth it so i gave him some money to make him stop talking.

I told him he was ignorant for waiting so long to speak up. we both knew he was not a good person.

he started to say something but I knew it was just nonsense. I told him l knew he was a liar and cheater and I took back the money I gave him.

he was shocked and did not say anything. I walked away feeling better knowing I had stood up for myself against someone who did not deserve my respect

Thanks For READ !!!



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